Intensive Therapy
We offer intensive therapy programs ranging from 2-3 hours per day, 5 days/week, for 1-3 weeks. We utilize techniques and equipment including: Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI), TheraSuit, Theratogs, Universal Exercise Unit/Cage Therapy, Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT), and PROMPT directed speech therapy. Intensive therapy programs promote and enhance neuroplasticity with individualized, intense strengthening and skill training based on a child’s needs, strengths, and weaknesses. Intensives are designed for children with neurological and genetic disorders, like Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay, and Brain Injury, but can also be beneficial for children with a wide variety of conditions.

TheraSuit Method utilizes various tools and exercises, including the TheraSuit and Universal Exercise Unit (UEU).
The UEU is an open metal cage equipped with pulleys, weights, straps, and elastic cords. This dynamic system allows us to isolate and strengthen desired muscle groups and improve specific, functional movement patterns.
The UEU, (commonly referred to as the “Spider Cage”), uses a belt and bungee cords to provide dynamic assistance to maintain an upright position. The spider cage allows a child to stand without a therapist’s assistance while allowing freedom of movement and facilitating balance.
The goals of the exercises performed in the spider cage are to improve functional skills such as sitting, crawling, and walking. It also helps to improve balance, coordination, and sensory-motor integration. The ultimate goal of the spider cage is to promote independent movement, but it can be a great way to regulate the sensory system.​​
The TheraSuit is a soft, proprioceptive, dynamic orthotic consisting of a cap, vest, shorts, knee pads, and shoe attachments that are connected to each other through a system of elastic bands. It improves body awareness, improves alignment, and supports and strengthens muscles.
A look into TheraSuit/Universal Exercise Unit

DMI is a technique utilized to treat children with delayed motor skills by improving automatic postural responses.
DMI provokes a child's specific active motor responses via dynamic exercises elicited by the therapist.
This technique stimulates neuroplasticity, which helps create new connections in the brain to build and develop motor skills.
DMI exercises involve anti-gravity movement, decreasing levels of support, provocation of desired movements, and challenges to the body's postural control and strength.
DMI focuses on: gross motor skills, gradual progression, alignment and postural control, range of motion, balance, functional movements, somatosensory development, global development, and modifying tone, primitive reflexes, and abnormal patterns of movement.
DMI exercises are completed either on the floor or a mat table utilizing a variety of equipment including wooden boxes, balance beams, boards, or just the child and therapist together.
DMI can be used with most children, regardless of their cognition or functional level.