From first steps to running around at the playground, a child's gait pattern continuously changes from ages 1-8! Read on to learn about each stage of gait development and what to expect at various ages.
10-16 Months Old
First few steps
First steps typically occur 6 months after a child learns to pull-to-stand
Large degree of both hip and knee flexion while stepping
Arms in high guard position (up in air by head with elbows flexed and shoulder blades pinched together)
Poor stability with frequent falls
First few months of walking
Wide base of support with flexed knees and pronated feet
Minimal or no trunk rotation
May appear to "waddle" side to side to progress forward while stepping
Entire foot hits the ground at the same time
Arms gradually lower with practice/in time
Progression from first step to taking 10 consecutive steps takes about 40 hours of walking practice
It typically takes about 2 months from the first step to fully walking around the house
Child learns to turn and to stop/start again while walking
18-24 Months Old
Heel strike emerges instead of full flat foot hitting the ground at the start of each step
Knee remains slightly flexed
Stride length begins to increase
Trunk rotation begins to increase
Reciprocal arm swing starts to develop
Weight shifting side to side becomes more controlled
Running (fast walking) begins by 18 months old and becomes more fluid with arms lower down around 24 months old
Any persistent toe walking should resolve by 24 months old (or after 6 months of full time walking)
3-4 Years Old
Pelvis rotates more in relation to trunk
Base of support narrows to width of pelvis
Arm swing should be in a controlled, reciprocal pattern and coordinated with trunk rotation
Running begins to look more coordinated
6-7 Years Old
Base of support narrows further
Stride length increases
Mature, adult-like gait pattern
Any in-toeing or out-toeing may improve by 7-8 years old
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